Michelle Rene
Official Website for the Multi-Award Winning Author of

Michelle Rene is a creative advocate and the author of a number of published works of historical fiction and speculative fiction.
She has won multiple indie awards. Her novel, Hour Glass, won Chanticleer Review’s “Best Book of the Year” award in 2018. Her experimental novella, Tattoo, was a Foreword Review’s Indies finalist for fantasy. The Dodo Knight, a historical novella, placed as a finalist with the Next Gen Indie Book Awards. Her YA historical fantasy, Manufactured Witches, won the OZMA award for fantasy, the Discovery Award from the Writer's League of Texas, and was honored by the Indie Author Project as Texas’s best YA novel in 2019.
When not writing, she is a professional artist, museum lover, belly dancer, and autism mom. She lives as the only female with her husband, son, and ungrateful cat in Dallas, Texas.
M.R. Fournet

To learn more about her middle grade, horror-writing alter ego, check out her website... mrfournet.com
To contact me, please email:
For international rights inquiries regarding titles
(Manufactured Witches, The Canyon Cathedral, and Goddess Stories)
contact: Black Rose Writing c/o Montse Cortazar Literary Agency
For all other publisher, editor, and rights inquiries, please contact my agent.
Ben Miller-Callihan with Handspun Literary
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